Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy

$ 30

E-book content:

1. Brief characteristics of the training principle used in the plan

2. Determined rest intervals (pauses between sets), approximate% intensity of 1RM, where to move (used weights), recommended frequency of training units / week, pace for each repetition

3. General information about what the training unit should look like and recommendations on what to do before the work series, what after them, etc.

4. On average 3 training units (A, B, C) with precisely given exercises (basic movement patterns can of course be modified by different designs) and their number of repetitions for each series in the form of fullbody except sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, where I prefer a split

5. More practical tips on gym training and the most basic regimen tips to optimize results

More about ebook:

• Basic pre-prepared training plans in the form of short "e-books"

• The plans are consecutive in the framework of linear periodization with the peak of either the absolute force or can be further developed by the dynamic force

• It is possible to train in almost every gym - based on basic exercises with a large axis, own weight and a minimum of additional exercises in the form of special machines, pulleys, etc. However, the exercises can be modified according to your preferences and possibilities.

• You can choose the principle on which you want to start (but I recommend starting in order for strength endurance, then sarcoplasmic hypertrophy and then absolute power)

• The recommended length for each plan is 6-8 weeks

• Suitable for exercisers who technically have sufficient control of basic movement patterns and exercises based on them (especially squats, pull, pressure, bends, etc.

• Suitable for exercisers who have no idea about training periodization and basic training procedures

• Ideal combination with KWP meal plan (KETO WORLD PROJECT)

• Fullbody plans can leave with a frequency of 2-5 / week, split 3-5 / week

• Each plan has an average of 9 pages of text in this first version

• It is possible to follow this linear periodization and their training plans for any visual goal - fat reduction, muscle gain or both, but the final result will be influenced by an individually set diet protocol (I recommend the KWP service or in case of free space choose full online coaching).

• It is possible to order all training plans for a discounted price at once and thus have the entire training season solved

• The periodization and basic plans contained in it can be used repeatedly or further based on them in your training